Not a whole lot goin’ on at the old town Post office today. I stood on its steps to take this picture. The floods here are epic yet still some poor dunce tried to drive up to the drop box with his fistful of letters. The cop was none too nice. “What part of the orange cone signal don’t you understand sir?”Inside the P.O. though, it was business as usual, at least for the two or three customers who had hiked and waded and hopped the rivulets to get there “32 inches of water in the basement!” crowed my pal at the window, cheerful as ever – "We have to close when it gets to 36!" I asked if she could break a $100 l for me and her eyes lit up. “Guess what? we got a counterfeit twenty yesterday, want to see it!?” She went and got it and gave me a quick tutorial as to how you can tell (no watermark, no ghost of a dead president when you hold it to to the light, the wrong color squiggle over on the left.... plus it just feels wrong;. She let me feel it and sure enough: pure paper. No rag content at all. My pal wasn’t at work yesterday else she might have laid hands on the one who passed it, maybe pressed some sort of invisible button that would call in the Feds.Looks like we’re gonna NEED the Feds around here and because this water just keeps on rising. And unlike the fake 20 here it's the sure-enough, Old Testament, God-must-be-really-mad thing.
Nice Try Department but it's as fake as they get!