Exit Only

“Because once you depart from this one-way road of life, there is just no getting back on.”

ego, humor Terrry Marotta ego, humor Terrry Marotta

Two Cool Videos

the sacred in the everydayBoy have a misspent my time on this planet! I just looked and saw that almost 26,000 people have looked at this one silly video I made in 2010 about what a real Boston accent supposedly sounds like.The thing makes me blush every time I come upon it.It embarrasses me AND sometimes hurts my feelings, as when one guy wrote “Nice Boston accent, you old bag.”I guess if you’re in the business of sharing your thoughts with the world this is the kind of thing you have to expect.One person sent me a request in the ‘comment' section. She said she was acting in a play supposedly set in Boston and so needed help in coming up with a good Boston accent. It was a bad week and I didn’t ever get back to her, sorry as I am to admit it.I made a lot of videos when I had that little Flip camera, but then it malfunctioned and the manufacturers were no longer supporting the product so that was the end of that – until I was told you can make great videos just with your smart phone.That’s how I got this footage of a street singer in Italy that still brings tears to my eyes to watch. I’ll put that one immediately under here:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjaN9hI9ZRc]and then under that let's have the video of this young guy who, in an 8-minute tour de force, talks in no fewer than 24 regions accents as heard all over the English-speaking world . Don’t watch it if crass language bothers you. Otherwise watch and be amazed. 25 million viewings for him! That's what REAL talent will win you![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=dABo_DCIdpM&NR=1]

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