Exit Only

“Because once you depart from this one-way road of life, there is just no getting back on.”

mawwiage Terrry Marotta mawwiage Terrry Marotta

WHO'S Dumb?

I once had this quiet but sneaky boyfriend who was always doing the weirdest things: “Let’s roll down this hill right now!” he’d suddenly enthuse as we’d be standing on some grassy cliff. “OK!” I’d gamely say back and down I would go, rolling clear to the bottom, and look around for him – and there he’d be, still standing at the top and laughing his head off.Once we were approaching a set of escalators to go upstairs in this fancy mall, me chattering away – I was quite the little one-man-band in those days – and before I realized what was happening he was making the “after you” gesture and I was trying to stumble UP the DOWN escalator because that’s the one he was trying to put me on  - I guess to find out just exactly HOW absorbed I was in my own narrative.Pretty absorbed was the answer. I tried going ‘up’ those fast-moving ‘down’ stairs and ended up performing a series of lightning-fast stumble-jumps to keep from breaking my neck.He actually caught me at the last possible second and handed me on to the right escalator but still - what kind of boyfriend takes pleasure in  another’s confusion?The kind you marry of course so you can keep on with the teasing and sabotaging until you’re both pushing 100 but hey I DON’T MIND because tell ya the truth his ways rubbed off on me. Tonight I lift the lid and seal the toilet over with Saran Wrap. :-)And now this funny video ad just because it ties in so nicely with our title:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRBchZLkQR0]

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