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“Because once you depart from this one-way road of life, there is just no getting back on.”

Terrry Marotta Terrry Marotta

Vacation's Final Day

It was our vacation's last day so we really tried to live in the moment, though every second we could feel time slipping away.We booked this trip back in January is why and waited and waited for the week to arrive.It had been five years since we'd had a family trip together.It would be five years more before we could swing another such trip. We knew this in our bones.Thus, we sensed the momentousness of it.And so, to honor our last day we swam in the pool a final time, though from one day to the next the pool seemed colder.(End of September! October looming!)We also swam in the ocean a final time, or rather let the surf pick us up and throw us down, pick us up and throw us down. I told Old Dave who was too smart to do this that I felt like my own laundry by the end of these swims, so tossed around I was, not to mention black and blue. Talk about Don't fool with Mother Nature!Speaking of Old Dave, he doesn't appear in many of these pictures but he's been here all along, providing perspective, as always.

You could call this shot “Through a glass (Bud)Lightly” ha ha.

These pictures were taken at the Ocean Course where they had the PGA six weeks ago. We even saw some golfers finishing up.

This is Edward watching them with his grandfather, who will never admit that he's pretty good at the game himself, though he never swung a club until he was out of college and the clubs were borrowed. Even today he goes to these corporate tournaments and comes home with the trophy for the Longest Drive. Last fall he won an i-Pad but he claims that was just luck. Anyhow he gave it away immediately.

I believe that whenever I think back to this lovely place, I will imagine this last sunset as it looked on the last night when we came to have a drink and a light bite on the porch of the club house.

.My we were happy here, coloring the kids' menus and getting sunburned

looking mildly like freaks in our Men in Black shades...

Not worrying for once about our frizzy hair ..

It was all just beautiful, especially the weather which held for seven straight days.

What a place Kiawah is. This sight below I know I'll remember for at LEAST the next five years, and through many a long winter's night.

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