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“Because once you depart from this one-way road of life, there is just no getting back on.”
Diabolical Technology! Excuse!
Yesterday I got an email in German from a Berliner who stayed in my house one night in March. Actually it was to everyone in her address book which is why the German, a language I know not a word of save for your basic survival terms like ‘Michelob’ and ‘Wiener Schnitzel’. So I thought, Go to Google Translate, right? Only that site gave me a string of words that no offense Ruling God of the Internet, made no sense at all: it said my friend was saying this:"Last week I, of research, is registered on Facebook, and probably very quickly forget that I have agreed to all the people on my mailing list to invite to my photos Anzugucken on Facebook. This annoys me and maybe some of you. Diabolical technology! Excuse! Greetings!"Okaaaaay. But so what's this ‘anzugucken’ word and why wasn’t it translated? I looked it up all by itself on Google Translate. It told me with a perfectly straight face that it meant: anzugucken. So what’s the deal? Is it like FUBAR? But you can find out what FUBAR means. I tried again just now and a video came up on YouTube. No disrespect to a great European country but is this even a video? Take a quick peek. Theories anyone?[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EC_onMyoCI]