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“Because once you depart from this one-way road of life, there is just no getting back on.”

sex, sexuality Terrry Marotta sex, sexuality Terrry Marotta

Fifty Shades of Who Cares

So why IS this book Fifty Shades of Grey such a best seller? They say that for Victorian men one major draw in visiting 'Ladies of the Night' was  to enjoy the feeling of not having to be in control for a while  - so wearying to run an Empire AND bully your wife over the dinner table! -  but I imagine the old Joy of Sex was pretty high on the list too.Still I don’t find the idea of reading one silly handcuff story after another all that compelling.I have nothing against handcuffs. I saw the film Bill Durham like everyone else; I remember how rookie Tim Robbins gets to pitching so much better after Susan Sarandon starts tying him by his wrists to the bedposts and reading him poetry - remember?But still: I’m pretty sure when God gave us sex he was thinking "Here’s a fun thing to do," not "Here’s a fun thing to watch, or read about - other people doing.Plus you don't get a new person with second-hand sex. and new people after all are what it's all for. ;-)

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