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“Because once you depart from this one-way road of life, there is just no getting back on.”
Sure NOW wherever you look you see ads for creams and spackles to fill the cracks opening up all over your body. Bet they even sell sun-repellent sheets of Glad Wrap to keep your skin from looking even more like the speckled egg of the world’s ugliest bird. So where was all this stuff when I was 20 and lying out in the sun holding sheets of aluminum foil to focus the rays directly ON This Old Face?
Here’s that video homage to Beyoncé which is funny and great all on its own. Come the day when I look like a laundry bag stuffed full with tennis balls let me throw on a leotard and step on the dance floor too. Because seriously what are you gonna do? And Sarah Renfroe's right: when it comes to wrinkles you sure are gonna grow some of your own, and before you know it too.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaruNs_7okY]