Silliest Come on Yet
The surgical department here named is one of the best. They dug a basal cell carcinoma out of my own little shin two autumns ago and within the year, the wound was almost invisible. What looked like an elliptical scoop- mark, made as if by an oversized grapefruit spoon, is now a faint and slender line, scarce visible even to me, never mind casual observers.They're the ones who sent me this promotion last week.The lady is pretty and I guess I get the sentiment but when you say that aging simply won't do you might as well say you're ready to reach for the hemlock.We age. Period. You can suck out and pin up all you want but look around the whole perimeter: Are your two feet the smooth little darlings they once were? Are the backs of your hands freckle-free? Don't look now, but something is sure happening to the skin at the base of your glutes and I'm not talking about cellulite.It's gravity, baby. Gravity and wear-and-tear. When Aging Simply Won't Do: Hah! What really won't do is acting like you can beat the House when everyone who’s honest knows it: the House always wins in the end.