Had Some Setbacks, Had Some Fun
Setbacks first; the delivery guys came a third time to install our new fridge but now the plug doesn't fit. (Sigh.) After whining about it here and then again here, I choose to think of other things today.Like the fact that our son came home this past weekend from faraway Arkansas and made us laugh til our sides hurt about the adventures he and his buddies had trying to drive an RV so wide that saplings were breaking off along the lonely desert road until they managed to get the hang of it. (It's like when you're pregnant: at first you just don't KNOW how wide you really are.)
Also, the Whole ABC Family gathered to celebrate Fall Family Weekend, and had such had a nice time eating and talking and cooking (and square dancing!)
Also fun looking at pictures of ourselves doing all this. :-)
Then too, one of our 'extra' kids came home and did some champion sleeping in his room. (Computer Science major is not for the faint of heart; he was tired!) We went through some of his stuff from high school and I came upon this picture from when he was just a freshman with Winchester ABC. He doesn't look a thing like this now but what fun to be reminded of when he did. Was it only four short years ago?
Sunday morning I took my two grandsons to eat pancakes at a McDonald's Play Place where they came to the realization that at six and nine they now feel too big to crawl inside those large plastic intestines. Sad! The first of many closing doors for them but instead......Instead we came back to our house, just in time to meet the rest of the fam, pretend to watch football and bask in the joy of being all together.Which is what it's all about really in life. Which for sure is what it's about.