Here Comes the Bride
Bridal showers are always fun. Nobody knows anybody else so you have to mix it up. At the shower I just attended for my niece Grace, the bride-to-be was both radiant AND composed as she opened 1,000 boxes of filmy underwear.She'll use it all though; fads come and go but women still wear underpants.Also bras, I'm pretty sureBack in the Pleistocene era when the mother of the bride and I were given bridal showers we received these hideous two-part things for what was then referred to us our 'trousseau.' What they were even called I can't remember. One part would be this enormously flounced-out, mostly see-through garment shaped like a dinner bell that came with a second enormously flounced-out mostly see-through over-garment that tied at the neck with a bow. I was just a kid when I got married: Nan was too. We spent our days in cut-offs. Why were they dressing us like lampshades in a little girl's bedroom?
These gifts were better. Grace received and immediately donned a white baseball cap with the word 'Bride' on it...
...and praised and relished every single present while her mom took notes on who gave what.There was some poorly shot video by me which I will try to post here in a bit, but suffice to say that everyone had fun.We ate and drank in the delicate way women do. We talked about our fertility, our surgeries, our men. Sooner or later when women are together they're bound to share such truths. Once at church in a special session called Discerning Your Path, I got paired up with my friend J. We were instructed to talk about the times we felt the call of God upon our lives but as she said later to a third pal, we mostly just complained about our husbands. (Tell you what, put women in charge of the world and honesty will rule over all!)Anyway it was a great time - and now we have the wedding to look forward to. Our lovely bride and her beautiful groom: Long may they prosper!