Made New

This is how lovely the world looked at 7 yesterday morning. It just about took my breath away to see it.DSC_0033That's the tangle of branches that by early April are kid-gloved up to their elbows in magnolia blossoms. This tree stands just outside the second-floor room where I write every day.They were all lovely, those trees, dipped in icy batter as they were. This is the ginkgo, that weeps away its leaves all at once, within a couple of hours come fall. A video of that stunning phenomenon is here.DSC_0036In sum, every view from every window was lovely. Still, the loveliest, somehow, was the sight of our neighbor's house on that same morning, from a different window in my study. Take away the cable and phone wires and it could be a Currier & Ives print, couldn't it though?view from study window


Striding Out


Oscars Post-Mortems