Happy Times! Here's OUR Holiday Card
This year I decided MORE PICTURES, FEWER WORDS. I also decided to give my kids a break and not make them appear in the holiday card. Just David and I and the little ones I figured. So first I created the thing, which took like days, and then I had it printed - only I didn't get enough so I reproduced the whole thing in a handmade kind of way to send to that last page o' people on my list.This is Page One you see here with the funny joke about Dave's hair.Then there's a Page Two which makes mention of the dear one we lost this year. Then there's a Page Three with even more pictures of the little ones (And another pic of Dave holding little Callie)... And finally a Page Four.I just finally finished the last 20 cards last night - Whew!The first 180 people who got the thing got a much handsomer version which I drop in below as a PDF. At least its printing isn't all crooked. Still, there's something endearingly sincere about crooked printing, isn't there? I'm counting on that anyway! Warm thoughts to all on a day special to so many the world over !2012 card as a PDF