Enough with the 'Old' Talk

myself am not old; just my insides are ha ha. The day my mother died, I was walking her to the car to bring her to the big birthday party arranged in her honor, when she turned to me and said, "I feel like a bride!”Go figure huh? You just never know. I could die today or I could live another 40 years. People born in 2012 could reach the age of 150 I read last week - by which time they WILL have pantyhose for the upper arms! I've done a kind of Theme-of-theiWeek thing  from time to time here on this blog, like when I had that Name That Celebrity contest back in March, or with last week’s talk of Fashion, or now with the subject of Aging two days in a row.It happens this way: You get rolling and the ideas pop and the yarn spools out and you get thinking 'Snip it off now and you’ll have yarn for tomorrow!' Or, to use another domestic art, "Keep back a bit of yeast today and you’ll have bread for another day!' It's comforting  to have someplace to start the next day. It is for me especially, because I’m determined to make good on my promise to write here every day no matter what. It's my gift, this ability to write with  honesty. I just want to give it and not worry about who might be there to receive it.I can tell you there's peace in that outlook. It's very calming to just be able to love the world without worrying whether the world will love you back. I probably learned this when I realized what a big chunk of the audience at any author talk I gave was just there trying to get in out of the cold; just trying to get off their feet awhile. It was OK by me. They made great audience members.So really I don't worry much about what I will write here next. Annie Dillard said it about doing any first draft: the problem is how to set yourself spinning. But once you do, you can keep on spinning for a good long time I have come to see, since really, spinning is just talking, freely and unselfconsciously. Ask a question of the guy next to you in line at the Post Office and you’ll see: He’ll spin like a top. We all will, given the chance.


Go to Bed!


Old in a World Full of Youngsters