Give Me a Boost
I found this youth booster seat for the car for just 25 bucks and scooped up two of them so fast I practically brought the shelving down with them. They're for our little guys. (YES I'M A GRANDMOTHER: THE HAIR IS A TOTAL DYE JOB.) The reason I did such a quick grab is that there only were only two of them and in my mind two denotes scarcity and I fear scarcity. I think I’d buy two eyelash curlers if they only had two left, never mind the fact that my eyes are so deep-set I can't reach my eyelashes with them (maybe if I went in through the back of my head.)Also, as you can see, they're bright red and these are little boys for whom red is an excellent and sporty color. I was thrilled to see them among all the hideously ugly other carseats with big 70s daisies like the wallpaper in the Wonder Years kitchen. These, by contrast, have a spare understated design and the seats are nice cushiony and they have the cute little cup holders.What I wouldn't have given for a carseat when I was the age of this dear-to-me child :
- or this one:
When I was little there were no car seats. I rode to school each day in my mom's high-hipped 'beachwagon with a view only of sky, the underpants of birds, and the trolley wires overhead.Now little people can actually look out the window like the rest of us. Now we can all at least see where we've been if not always where we're going next.