Button it Babe
In thinking about teeth yesterday I tried to come up with elebrities who have NOT gone the caps-’n-veneers route and in doing so thought of one of our best actresses ever: Susan Sarandon who was born in 1946. believe it or not. I looked at a dozen pictures of her and still couldn’t tell if those were still the original surfaces of her teeth we were seeing or if she’s now wearing some kind of siding on them.Of course I actually didn’t get too FAR in my research before realizing that probably she doesn’t care all that much about her teeth since her major assets lie elsewhere, as you can see.To this I can only say Good for you Susan. You’re a braver woman than I am.And I’m sorry if I hurt Robert Redford fans by remarking on his big fake teeth. Certainly I'm no one to be talking about teeth with my two front ones leaning hard to the left the way they do. And teeth just darken with age, what can we say? Look in the mirror. Open your cat’s mouth. It’s true.It’s true and it’s sad. since we have little enough left to us as we age.Once I was a big midriff person. No more. Now the only parts of my body I expose are my knees and my shoulders, and only those because the nice round bones underneath keep the skin looking at least somewhat taut.I was once a great one for low-cut clothes, God help me. No more o' that either - which makes life hard since it seems like all women’s tops these days come with these deeply scooped necks. It used to annoy me to no end - until I started wearing them backwards . People keep coming up to me in the Post Office to say “Uh, do you know you have your sweater on backwards?” I know. Believe me I know.This is me at a Come As You are Party I went to at our best pals' house with my poofy 80s hair. I had been sitting on the back porch writing when the call came.
And here just for fun is another shot of that fun time. That’s David on whose lap I'm sitting. He gets why I've buttoned up finally but I think the backwards dressing makes him a little nervous. :-)