Awesome Tips & Great Ideas

One, for a nice hot bath, run the cold water full blast, all by itself until you get about six inches of it on the bottom of the tub. This will give you a good start on your volume. Then and only then, turn off the Cold and bring on the Hot, also full blast, until the tub is full and the temperature perfect.(Not recommended: wandering off to fold your socks while the tub is filling, lest you get the mix wrong and end up lowering your naked little self into something that feels like a large gelatin salad.) Two, for a good night’s sleep, put the bedroom clock in a place where you can’t see it from a lying-down position. It turns out that even the small amount of light from those bright electronic numerals can drill right through your eyelids, which are only half closed most of the time anyway. And if they’re really open it means you’re dwelling in the anguished Kingdom of Insomnia where the last thing you need is to see the long slow hours ticking past.(Not recommended: doing this before you conquer the mystical Tantric feat of waking yourself up automatically, at any desired hour, though you might be surprised by  how easy it is to acquire this skill.) Three, for fully waking after your Sleeping Beauty act, install a coffee pot within 20 feet of your bed.  You need coffee and you shouldn’t have to stumble around trying to find some when you’re still half asleep. I keep mine ten feet from the bed along with my sweetener and some powdered milk.(Not recommended: bringing real milk into the bedroom for a sleepover. It curdles at room temperature and makes the room smell like a cow barn.) And finally, bringing us right back to the top again just like that old Ferris wheel of a calendar does with us each year, Four, for starting the day in the best possible way, devise a contraption that will slide you from your bed directly into that fresh hot bath.Too tall an order you say? Not at all. The Victorians invented such a gizmo in the early 1850s and brought it to London to display at the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations - and that was  over 150 years ago.I say here's to  great sleeps and fresh awakenings too – and that blend of wit and optimism that let old Tom Edison keep on keepin' on until, for less than a penny’s worth of filament, he had perfected the long-burning, civilization-changing electric light bulb. And if he could do that why couldn't we come up with something at least as cool?




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