National Banshee Day

Yesterday was Banshee Protection Day, World Poetry Day, Love Your Body Day, National Grouch Day, Mushroom Day, National Pasta Day, and Blog Action Day and if I had more time I’d look closely at each one of these “days” and ask myself how each applied to me. I didn’t even know it was National Poetry Day yet I managed to finally memorize a sonnet famous for being all one sentence (50 bucks to anyone who knows what it is!) I also ate pasta, blogged and TRIED to love a body that has begun looking more and more like those of the naked ladies you see on all these Italian frescoes.  Lake Como, Verona, Padua and now Venice.  (Venice you just can’t believe. If you came here from New Orleans you’d be terrified the whole time!)

And as for the banshees I have never met one but as members of that fellowship of the strengthless dead I’m sure they need our protection and good will at all times even as we need theirs.


Gaudeamus Igitur


Viva Veritas!